用文化的“视界”看自信,五千年传承VS美国精英 “文化互鉴”之旅走进简阳中学

文章来源: 发布时间:2017年04月10日 点击数: 字体:

简阳中学消息(文/吴渝峰 图/李旭辉)简阳中学与美国多所学校建立友好合作关系,从而开启了对外交流这扇大门,为全校师生构建起一个更高的国际化平台,让简阳中学的学子们将有更多的机会参与其中,也让学校、老师、学生多方共赢,而作为简阳中学的学子们,也作为中华文化的载体,不仅可以让他们见识更广阔的世界,深刻认识多元文化,传播优秀的中华传统文化,他们将有机会把中华文化带到美国的同时,也可以在美国体验真实的美式精英教育。

4月9日,简阳中学有幸请来美国基督教三一学院(Trinity Christian Academy)的Cindy Robinson博士和Carolyn Buckner女士以及JDX国际教育集团的胡红梅女士和霍晓岚女士为简阳中学的高一学生做了用文化的“视界”看自信,五千年传承VS美国精英 “文化互鉴”之旅 的宣传讲座。


Last month our school--Jianyang middle school established friendly and cooperative relations with some American schools.From that moment on, we have opened the door of international exchange. So it has set up a high and  an international platform for us to communicate and to take part.

 And the students from Jianyang middle school can be the Chinese culture carrier to spread the Chinese traditional culture to the world and meanwhile ,they also have a great chance to broaden their views.

 Jianyang middle school has honorably invited teachers from Trinity Christian Academy, Doctor Cindy Robinson and Mrs Carolyn Buckner and Shirley Hu ,Elaine Huo from JDX international Education Consulting Corporation to give us a lecture about Cultural Self-confidence Theme Activities.

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